Org Chart
Pastoral Staff
- Rev. Dr. Jesse L. Richardson, Jr.Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor Jesse L. Richardson is the proud Senior Pastor of the historical Bethesda New Life Gospel Church located at 750 Bishop Iola B. Cunningham Way, N.E., Washington, D.C. In 1997, Senior Pastor Richardson joined Bethesda New Life Gospel church under the leadership of Bishop Iola B. Cunningham. Through the years, he served as Trustee, Deacon, Advisory Board Member and Ministerial Staff. In 2006, Senior Pastor Richardson served as Assistant to Bishop Cunningham and installed as Pastor August 2012. Senior Pastor Richardson serves in the community where the Lord has planted him. He served on the Friends of Kenilworth Parkside Board of Trustees, a founding board member of DCPNI, and member of the Board of Ministers of the Redeeming Love Ministries. Senior Pastor Richardson has obtained several certificates and degrees from the Trinity Bible College and Seminary. Senior Pastor Richardson has a passion for empowering the saints of God and encouraging them to mature, study and live the word of God that it may be well with them in all areas of their earthly journey.
- Rev. DeJuana GrantAssistant Pastor
Reverend DeJuana Grant is honored and give GOD the glory for the opportunity to serve HIS people as the Assistant Pastor of the historical Bethesda New Life Gospel Church, founded by Bishop Cunningham. She was an example of a vitreous woman and true disciple who unselfishly, under the unction of the Holy Spirit installed Senior Pastor Jesse L. Richardson, Jr. “Bishop’s Extended Blessing”. She is honored to serve under the amazing leadership of our awesome under-shepherd, under-gate, preacher, teacher. . . . as well as serve with each co-laborer in CHRIST.
Reverend Grant’s favorite saying is “I’m just a nobody who knows somebody named JESUS who can use anyone HE chooses. I encourage, challenge, and urge you to open up your heart and allow HIM to use you. I’m just an ordinary person with an extraordinary assignment – that’s her story and she’s sticking to it”. For we are GOD’s master pieces created in CHRIST to do good works, which GOD prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesian 2:10). Reverend Grant is EXPECTING GOD to do great things in and through the lives of HIS people. She encourages you to stand on the WORD and obey it, lead fearlessly, love unconditionally, lose control in GOD and preach the gospel at all times using words only when necessary (unknown author).
“I won’t take for granted that you have made JESUS your choice, if not make today your rebirthday and the day you received salvation by confessing with your mouth that JESUS is LORD and believing in your heart that GOD raised JESUS from the dead, you are SAVED for whoever call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved. (Romans 10:9 & 13).
Do you believe? JESUS died for our sins so that we can be blameless, not guilty and forgiven so loving that JESUS sacrificed HIS life so that we can have life and a direct connection with GOD. Let us hold firmly to what we believe, JESUS the SON of GOD understands our weakness, for HE faced all the same temptation we do, but HE did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious GOD. There we will receive HIS mercy and we find grace to help us in our time of need.
Have you confessed JESUS is LORD & asked HIM to forgive you of your sins and come into your life and help you live a life that is pleasing to HIM? Please share the good news letting us know that you have accepted JESUS has your SAVIOR, LORD, RULER. . . . via email. You’re invited to worship with us on Sundays at 11:00 a.m. or attend any service. We hope to see you there and pray that GOD will bless you beyond your expectations and that the WORD of GOD will be alive and powerful in your life.
Much Love & An Overflow of GOD’s Richest Blessings!
- Rev. Daffney ArcherExecutive Pastor
Reverend Daffney Archer serves as the Executive Pastor of the historical Bethesda New Life Gospel Church under the awesome leadership of Reverend Jesse L. Richardson, Jr., Senior Pastor. She is a third generation preacher and teacher with a heart to inspire the people of God to be fully committed to the Word of God.
On June 22, 2003, Reverend Archer accepted the call to go and carry God’s Word after the message of our Sunday Morning Convocation Service. The message came from the text of Isaiah 6:1-9 and the subject was “God is Looking for Someone to Go for Him.” Reverend Archer was licensed under the New Life Organization and elevated to the office of Evangelist on Sunday, December 21, 2003. And, on Sunday, April 29, 2007, she was ordained by Bishop Iola B. Cunningham, and elevated to Reverend Archer. As we know, God is continually moving and blessing; and on Sunday, November 26, 2017, Reverend Archer was ordained as Executive Pastor.
Reverend Archer presently serves as President of the BNLGC Advisory Board, Director of BNLGC Debutante Ministry, Overseer of New Members, Public Relations, Secretarial Ministries, and Outreach Evangelism. She is affiliated with Sisters Lifting Sisters (SLS) and P.U.S.H. Intercessory Prayer. Reverend Archer leads BNLGC Intercessory Morning Prayer Connection weekly.
Reverend Archer has received several ecclesiastical certifications, as well as civic awards.
He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. Ephesians 6:19-20.
- Rev. DeKisha WilliamsYouth Pastor
Reverend DeKisha Williams is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and a friend to many; but her most important relationship is being a child of the Most High God. Like many others, despite the values her mother instilled in her at a young age, she decided she would try and do things on her own. No matter how hard she tried, she never really fit into the places, situations or groups that she put herself into.
After years of running from the Lord and the calling that he placed on her life, she decided to leave everything that she knew and truly rededicated her life to Christ June 15, 2014. She began to truly see the Lord and his plan that he had for her life. In due time the Lord confirmed what she had questioned for many years, that he did in fact call her to preach the gospel on November 22, 2015. She is now not only an evangelist of the gospel, but alongside her husband, she was ordained on November 26, 2017 to also serves as a Youth Pastor at Bethesda New Life Gospel Church under the leadership of Rev. Jesse L. Richardson, Jr., Senior Pastor. Pastor DeKisha is more than grateful that the Lord has trusted her with both His Word and His people. She is on a mission to develop a deeper relationship with the Lord not only for her benefit, but so others may be saved as well.
- MIT Andrew WilliamsYouth Pastor
MIT Andrew Williams was born on July 16, 1987, to his mother and father Cecelia and Everette Williams. He is married to Evangelist DeKisha Williams and father to Brooklynn Williams. Deacon Williams was raised in the church, but it wasn’t until he was 15 years old that he had his first personal experience with God. But even after a personal touch from God, Deacon Williams still fell short and went his own way during his youth and mid 20s. Though back sliding, he always knew that Jesus is real and decided to join Bethesda New Life Gospel Church under the leadership of Senior Pastor Jesse L. Richardson, Jr. After joining Bethesda, Deacon Williams was blessed with the opportunity to serve as a Trustee and was ordained as a Deacon April 18, 2015. He was later called by God on June 25, 2017 and ordained November 26, 2017, to serve as Youth Pastor along with his wife Evangelist DeKisha Williams.
Ministerial Staff
- Rev. Dennise McCoyAssociate Minister
- Rev. Jeffery HinesAssociate Minister
- Minister Allen StrattonbeyAssociate Minister
- Minister Mary StrattonbeyAssociate Minister
Leadership Directory
- Leadership Directory
- First Lady Aldena RichardsonDeaconess Ministry President
- Trustee Mary Ann GoodmanTrustee Chairman Trustee/Executive Team Trustee
- Trustee Johnathan RichardsonSteward Trustee
- Missionary Theresa JoynerMissionary President
- Missionary Maria Porter-RayChurch Secretary
- Deacon Stephen Liggon, Sr.Deacon Ministry Chairman/Executive Team Trustee
- Trustee Squietta SmithExecutive Team Trustee/ Senior Pastor Assistant for Marriage Counseling
- Trustee Charles JoynerStewart Trustee
- Deaconess Veronica RichardsonAssistant Church Secretary